Nichicon Energy Control System Technology

Since our founding, we have developed technologies to create a brighter future. Our collaboration between academia and industry has led to the latest technologies including the use of next generation semiconductors and systems designs. Our NECST products are contributing to solving environmental and energies challenges.

NECST Products

Tribrid Energy Storage System

Tribrid Energy Storage System

This is the world's first system. This efficiently links solar cells, EV/PHV batteries, and storage batteries not only uses and stores the electricity generated by solar power at home, but also runs EVs. Even in the event of a power outage it can be backed up from both the storage battery and the EVs and PHVs high capacity battery, and you can get great relief.

Household Energy Storage System “POWER OASIS”

Household Energy Storage System “POWER OASIS”

We were the first in the industry to introduce a household energy storage system to the market allowing solar power to be used even at night. Nichicon has a wide range of products ranging from 16.6 kWh of large capacity, no need for foundation work, small size, lightweight and small capacity type which can be easily installed.

Vehicle to Home (V2H) system “EVPower Station” Vehicle to Load (V2L) system “EVPower Station Power Mover”

Vehicle to Home (V2H) system “EVPower Station” Vehicle to Load (V2L) system “EVPower Station Power Mover”

V2H systems are able to use the electricity of EVs, PHVs and FCVs for household power. The system delivers power during a power outage and reduces power costs. Nichicon has developed a portable V2L system that can also be used for emergency power and outdoor use.

EVs/PHVs Quick Chargers

EVs/PHVs Quick Chargers

Our EV quick chargers shorten the charging time. These chargers are being installed in an increasing number around Japan because they are small and lightweight. We are contributing to the development of the charging infrastructure in accordance with the spread of EVs and PHVs.

Public and Industrial Power Storage System

Public and Industrial Power Storage System

Our public and industrial power storage systems are being used to save power, reduce CO2, secure power in an emergency, and take BCP measures through peak shift and peak cut in cooperation with solar power generation utilizing renewable energy.